Price Rise of Steel Coil will last to the end of the year in North East Europe MarketIssuing time:2020-09-11 10:01 价格将企稳或进一步上涨,可能会持续到年底。 in coil prices willresult in a correction. Many expect prices to consolidate or rise further, “我相信价格上涨将会持续到年底,很可能会持续到明年,”一位钢厂经理说。他列举 货期延长的说法。 year,”says a mill manager. He cites receding imports, high iron ore and scrap prices,and idled 市场上的主要钢厂“.....声称他们今年的产品已基本售罄,” 方钢厂也持相同看法。 their regular customers,” Kallanishhears from a Belgian buyer.“There are no possibilities steelmaker as well. 有些人甚至谈到12月交货,”他说。“基于所有这些因素,我们认为不能排除未来价格进 A Dutch service centre manager agrees.“Theproducers of coil material claim to have well says. “Basedon all these aspects, we believe that a further price increase in the comingperiod 一位德国顾问大体上认同短期内价格将上涨,但对今年后期的走势持怀疑态度,特别是考虑 供应将会增加。 aboutdevelopment later this year, especially as idled capacity is being brought backon stream. more material becoming available on the market. 轧卷保本价格在500欧元/吨(591美元/吨)出厂价,比夏季低点高出100欧元。有消息称, 关系而异。 up production given the currentcost structure. Mills sees the hot rolled coil breakeven price forthat successfully in some deals already, although the range can still beanywhere from
€450 upwards, depending on the individual relationship. |